Psychiatry MCQ 42

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A 4-year-old girl is discovered pulling the tail of the family dog. Her mother, who had warned her previously that this behavior was unacceptable, now assigns the girl to a 5 minute time out period. A timer is set up so that the girl can keep track of the time period. After two minutes of the period, the girl begins to scream and cry. At this point, the mother's best response would be to

A. do nothing until the time out period has ended
B. explain to the child why this type of punishment is necessary
C. offer the child a choice between becoming quiet or "being paddled"
D. reset the timer to add an additional 5 minutes to the time out period
E. tell the child that if she quiets down she will be rewarded by a treat at the end of the time out period


Category: Psychiatry MCQs



Anonymous said...
1/28/2009 10:33 AM

I do not agree with the answer as stated. You want to pair the punishment with the behavior. In this case the behavior was pullting the dogs tail (not yelling). Certainly if the mother wanted to extinguish yelling the naswer given would be correct.

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