Anatomy Paper 1 - 5th June 1995

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Section A - 40 Marks

1. Name the movements of the eyeball and give, in the form of a table, the origin, insertion and nerve supply of the muscles responsible for these movements.
(3+3+3+3 = 12 marks)
2. Draw and label the horizontal section of the cerebral hemispheres at the level of the interventricular foramen.
12 marks
3. Write short notes on:
  1. Maxillary air sinus
  2. Internal capsule
  3. Orbital fissure
  4. Lymphatic drainage of tongue
4x4=16 marks

Section B - 40 Marks

4. Discuss the lateral wall of the nose under the following headings:
  1. Formation
  2. Blood supply
  3. Nerve supply
(6+3+3 = 12 marks)
5.Discuss the interossei muscles of the hand under the following headings:
  1. Origin
  2. Insertion
  3. Nerve supply
  4. Action (s)
(3+3+3+3 = 12 marks)
6. Write short notes on:
  1. Abduction of shoulder joint
  2. Somites
  3. chorionic vili
  4. Nerve fibre
4x4=16 marks




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