The correct answer is CHypopyon ulcer Develops depending on
- The virulence of the organism - pyogenic organism, staph, strept., pseudomonas,pneumococcus
- Resistence of the tissues - old age, debilitated and alcoholic.
- In adults the commonest causative organism is pneumococcus and the ulcer formed iscalled ulcus serpens.
- Typical ulcus serpens is greyish white or yellow disc near the center of the cornea. the
edges are grey with clear center, well marked in one particular direction. - A cloudy grey area made up of fine lines surrounds tl~e disc but is also marked in one
direction. - The ulcer increases in size and depth ,on the side of the densest infiltration which looks like a yellow crescent, tissues breakdown and the ulcer spreads, on the other side it undergoes cicatrisation and the edges may be covered by fresh epithelium, in this manner it travels forwards.
Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs
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