The Correct Answer is AEar development
- three distinct parts in embryo
- external ear: sound-collecting organ
- middle ear: sound conductor from external to internal ear
- internal ear sound waves --> nerve impulses; registers changes in equilibrium
- external ear: 3 parts
- EAM: first pharyngeal cleft
- Eardrum or tympanic membrane
- 3 layers of cells
- ectodermal epithelial lining of bottom of EAM
- endodermal epithelial lining of tympanic cavity
- intermediate layer of connective tissue
- major part attached to handle of malleus
- Auricle/external ear
- Develops from 6 mesenchymal proliferations at dorsal ends of 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches
- 1st arch=top of ear
- 2nd arch=bottom of ear
- Swellings=auricular hillocks
- Fuse to form definitive auricle
- As mandible grows, ear is pushed upward and backward from horizontal position on neck
- Middle ear:
- Tympanic cavity and auditory tube forms from 1st pharyngeal pouch
- Ossicles: from cartilages of 1st and second arches
- 1st: malleus and incus
- tensor tympani (muscle of malleus)—CN V
- 2nd arch: stapes
- embedded in mesenchyme for most of gestation
- 8th month: mesenchyme degenerates; endodermal epithelial lining of tympanic cavity envelops them and connects them to wall of cavity in mesentery-like fashion
- Inner Ear
- 4th week: thickening of surface ectoderm on both sides of hindbrain
- thickenings=otic placodes
- invaginate to form otic vesicles (otocysts)
- divide into ventral component and dorsal component
- ventral componentàsaccule and cochlear duct (organ associated with hearing)
- dorsal componentàutricle/semicircular canals (organ associated with equilibrium) and endolymphatic duct
- cochlear duct
- 6th week: initiates as outgrowth of saccule
- penetrate surrounding mesenchyme in spiral fashion (2.5 turns)
- surrounding mesenchymeàcartilage
- scala vestibule and scala tympani form, surround cochlear duct
- filled with perilymph to receive mechanical vibrations of ossicles
- mechanical stimuli activates sensory cells in cochlear duct
- impulsesàauditory fibers of CN VIII
- semicircular canals
- utricle: three flattened outpocketings, which lose central core
- three semicircular canals formed
- slightly different angles to each other
- sensory cells arise in ampulla at one end of each canal, in utricle and saccule
- change in position of body generates impulse in cell
- impulses carried to vestibular fibers of CN VIII
Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs
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