The Correct Answer is BIn a premature baby (born before their expected due date) the retina at the back of their eyes may scar and detach. This leads to visual impairment. Retinal detachment is when the thin retinal film peels off from the back of the eye. Scarring and detachment of the retina in a premature baby in the past was called Retrolental Fibroplasia. More often nowadays it is known as Retinopathy of Prematurity. They are the same condition.
Because the baby has been born early, before they were expected to be due, some parts of the body have not had time to grow fully. The blood supply has not usually spread fully to all areas of the retina. Quite often areas of the retina around the edges do not have any blood supply when a premature baby is born. The blood supply normally grows to the edges of the retina over the first few weeks of life. During these few weeks the retina can become damaged because it is starved of blood. The damage can lead to scarring. The scar tissue can then shorten and pull the retina off the back of the eye. This is called a retinal detachment and causes visual impairment. Damage is more likely the more premature the baby is and the smaller their birth weight.
Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs
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