MCQ Hematology 9

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A bone marrow biopsy slide (H/E); as well as a tissue block are sent for a second opinion. The only history available is that the patient is a 74 year old male with a 4 year history of hepatosplenomegaly. A peritrabecular inflitrate composed of fusiform cells accompanied by fibrosis is noted on the biopsy. Eosinophils and small lymphocytes surround the aggregates of fusiform cells. The remainder of the uninfiltrated marrow appears normal. Which of the following immunohistochemical stains would the most useful in confirming the diagnosis?

  1. Reticulin stain.
  2. Cyclin D1
  3. CD3
  4. Tryptase stain.
  5. CD20.

Category: Hematology MCQs



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