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Pathology MCQs
Answer to Pathology MCQ 154
The Correct option is
BRenal Carcinoma- Renal Cell Carcinoma – hypernephroma/Grawitz tumour
- Arises from proximal renal tubular epithelium
- 90% renal cancers
- Mean age 55 years, male: female is 2:1
- 15% those on renal dialysis develop renal cell carcinoma
Clinical features
- 50% incidental findings during abdominal imaging for other symptoms
- Haematuria, loin pain, abdominal mass, anorexia, malaise, weigh loss and PUO may all occur
- Rarely, invasion of left renal vein compresses testicular vein causing a left varicocele
- Spread may be direct, via lymph nodes, or haematogenous (bone, liver, brain)
Tests - Bloods – FBC (polycythemia from epo secretion), ESR, U+E, alk phos (bony mets)
- Urine – RBC, cytology
- Imaging – USS, CT/MRI, IVU (filling defect in kidney and calcification)
- Renal angiography if partial nephrectomy or palliation are being considered
- CXR – cannon ball mets
Pathology MCQs
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