Respiratory Medicine MCQ Answer 002

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The Correct Answer is B

      1. Bronchiectasis is a condition of the respiratory tract characterized by abnormal permanent dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles. It is associated with a severe, chronic infection of the airways.

      1. Pathology:

          a. Chronic, necrotizing infection of a segment or multiple segments of the lung.

        1. Infection damages and weakens walls of bronchi so that these structures become markedly dilated and filled with mucous and pus.

      3. Pathogenesis:

          a. The major factors which contribute to the development of bronchiectasis are obstruction of bronchi (tumor, foreign body), infection, and congenital defects as in cystic fibrosis.

          b. An obstruction causes atelectasis, accumulation of secretions, bacterial overgrowth and infection.

        1. The chronic infection damages the integrity of the bronchial wall causing dilation.

4. Pathophysiology: Persistent cough producing foul-smelling, purulent sputum; fever; dyspnea.

Category: Respiratory Medicine MCQs



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