MCQ Pathology Answer 48

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The correct Answer is D

    Endocardial Cushion Defects (ECD) result from the failure of the endocardial cushions to develop properly. Aplasia or hypoplasia of the EC is the cause. Children with ECD present with Congestive heart failure if defect is severe.

  • Complete AV canal: involves a foramen primum ASD, a posterior VSD, and abnormal tricuspid and bicuspid valves (often with only a single, incompetent AV valve). A LVĂ RA shunt can occur if the AV portion of the septum is absent.
  • Partial AV canal: foramen primum ASD, with cleft in mitral valve --> mitral incompetence.
There are several ways endocardial cushion defects can be treated. Typically a Dacron patch is used to close the holes in the atrial and ventricular walls and the AV valve is repositioned and/or repaired.

There can also be problems long-term with the heart's rate and rhythm (called cardiac arrhythmia) since the nerve fibers that cause the heart muscle to contract run through the wall of the heart that divides the chambers. Over time scarring can cause arrhythmias and sometimes pacemakers are needed to provide a strong and steady heartbeat.

Category: Pathology MCQs



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