The Correct Answer is A
Direct observation of the sun without an adequate filter, which often occurs during a solar eclipse, results in a specific type of radiation injury termed solar (eclipse) retinopathy.
The lens system of the eye focuses the sun’s light onto a small spot on the macula, usually in one eye only, producing a thermal burn. The resulting retinal edema may clear spontaneously with minor functional loss, or it may cause significant tissue atrophy, leaving a defect seen with an ophthalmoscope as a macular hole. This macular injury produces a permanent central scotoma.
Visual blurring and difficulty with light perception are reversible manifestations of the tissue hypoxia associated with carbon monoxide poisoning.
Dust and other particulate matter can produce injury to the cornea and conjuctiva. These lesions are painful, usually prompting medical attention and appropriate treatment. While severe contusions to the globe and periorbital structures can produce retinal detachment, this clinical vignette does not support a boxing-type injury.
Although potatoes have eyes, there is no other significant relationship between potato salad and ophthalmologic disease.
Ref: Vaughan D, Asbury T. Riordan-Eva P: General Ophthamology, ed 15. Appleton & Lange, 1999, pp 186, 371. (ABFM 2002)
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