MCQ Neurology Answer 25

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The Correct Answer is C

Most strokes involve the middle cerebral artery and the symptoms of middle cerebral artery stroke include hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, aphasia, and hemineglect. The regions of the brain responsible for being alert are not affected.

At least 25% of stroke patients experience aphasia, or problems understanding or using language. Some lose the ability to speak, while others lose the ability to write, and some lose the ability to understand written or spoken language.

Broca’s Apahsia denotes a lost ability or difficulty in expressing thoughts in words or writing, often resulting in grammatically incorrect communication.

In contrast, receptive aphasia (Wernicke’s area) denotes a difficulty in understanding words or speech, and can result in grammatically correct but meaningless communication.

Anomic or amnesic aphasia consists of the selective forgetting of interrelated groups of words, and global aphasia denotes the loss of almost all linguistic ability.

Category: Neurology MCQs



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