MCQ Psychiatry Answer 2

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The Correct answer is E.

Prosopagnosia literally means inability to recognise faces. The condition is usually caused by a bilateral lesion of the visual cortex. Depending on the location of the lesion, other types of agnosia are possible.

Anosagnosia refers to a deficit in cognition about one's illness, or the lack of awareness that one is suffering from a certain condition. It is related to large lesions of the non dominant parietal lobe, which causes the patient to be confused, and unaware of motor and sensory deficits.

Confabulation refers to fabrication of stories and events that never happened in order to fillin memory gaps.It is seen mostly in demetias.

Conversion disorder is characteristed by one or more neurologic symptoms (motor,sensory,or changes in the consciousness such as pseudoseizures) associatede with unresolved psychological conflicts. The symptoms are unconscious and develop as a result of repressed anxiety about the unacceptable impulses.

'Ganser syndrome" is one of the "dissociative disorders not otherwise specified". This diagnosis refers to the phenomenon of giving approximate answers rather than exact ones. It is associated with other symptoms like amnesia, disorientation and perceptual disturbances. It is most commonly seen in prison inmates.

Category: Psychiatry MCQs



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