COMEDK 2007 MCQ Answer 48

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The correct answer is C

Multiple Myeloma

Key clinical features
  1. 75% of patients are between 50-70 yoa and 2:1 male preponderance
  2. LB Pain is the cardinal initial symptom relieved with bedrest and aggravated with weight. With sciatica
  3. Bacterial infections occur in 10% of cases most respiratory in nature.
  4. Pathological fracture is common complication
Key radiologic findings
  1. Bone Scans are cold
  2. Gross osteoporosis may be the only early sign
  3. Punched lesions are the radiologic hallmark of myeloma
  4. Vertebra plana or wrinkled vertebra is characteristic.
  5. Raindrop skull (lytic myeloma defects) and pedicle sign of myeloma (preservation of pedicles) occur.
  6. “Moth Eaten,” Permeative lesions
  7. Foggy cortical – Medullary border
Key laboratory features
  1. 40% show Bence Jones’ proteinuria.
  2. Immnoglobulin Electrophoresis – to Elevation of IgG
  3. May have infections due to decreased WBCs
  4. Normocytic, normochromic anemia

Well-defined osteolytic areas are visible in the bone of the calvaria (classical 'raindrop' lesions) (arrows).




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