Physiology MCQ Answer 94

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The Correct Answer is e

The Poiseuille-Hagen formula is the mathematical expression of the relation between the flow in a long narrow tube, the viscosity of the fluid & the radius of the tube.

F = (PA – PB) x
p x 1 x r4
h L

F = flow;
PA – PB = pressure difference between the 2 ends of the tube;
h = viscosity;
r = radius of tube;
L = length of tube;

Since flow is equal to pressure difference divided by resistance,

R = 8

ie. flow varies directly & resistance inversely with radius to power of 4.

\ blood flow is affected markedly by small changes in calibre of vessels.

If, for example, there is:

19% increase in radius of blood vessel
flow thru a vessel is doubled;

when radius is doubled, resistance is reduced to
6% of its previous value.

This is why organ blood flow is so effectively regulated by small changes in calibre of arterioles.

Category: Physiology MCQs



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