COMEDK 2007 MCQ Answer 61

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The correct answer is D

Ewing’s sarcoma

  • Is a primitive primary malignant tumor of bone it is composed of tumor cells derived from the connective tissue framework of bone marrow

  1. 7% of all primary bone tumors. 4th m/c primary malignant bone tumor behind (multiple myeloma, osteosarcoma, and chondrosarcoma).
  2. 10-25 years of age

    1. Key clinical features
      1. Mimics: Infection; systemic signs of slight fever, secondary anemia leukocytosis, and increase ESR
      2. Affects long tubular bones of the Lower extremity.

    1. Key radiologic features
      1. Saucerization: Cortical saucerization is a characteristic sign. This irregular defect effaces the outside of the bone occasionally, exhibiting a marginal scalloping effect.
      2. Classic presentation is a diaphyseal permeative lesion with a delicate onion skin or peel periosteal response.
      3. The most common primary malignant bone tumor to metastasize to bone




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