MAHE 2000 Basic Sciences MCQS

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1. Regarding trigeminal nerve true is

a. Mesencephalic nuclei is multipolar,
b. Sends proprioceptive fibres to mesencephalic nerve,
c. Medially it is related to middle meningeal artery,
d. Receives innervation from lateral horn of spinal cord.

2. Transverse vaginal sulcus corresponds to

a. Junction of urethra and bladder,
b. Junction of cervix and vagina,
c. Lower limit of rectum,
d. Upper limit of bladder.

3. True about pituitary gland is

a. Adenohypophysis develops from neuroectoderm,
b. Contralataral homonymous hemianopia occurs when pituitary tumor causes pressure over optic chiasma,
c. Cord like arrangement in pars tuberalis which produces gonadotropins,
d. ADH and oxytocin produced in posterior pirtutary.

4. Which of the following about epithelium is true,

a. Zona occludens is at basal portion;
b. Capillaries go through the gap junctions,
c. Basement membrane is formed by type 4 collagen,
d. In zona adherence actin filaments connect adjacent cells through microtubules.

5. About prostate true is

a. Urethra penetrates apex,
b. Central zone is more prone for carcinoma than peripheral,
c. Columella semilunaris opens into prostatic utricle,
d. Posterior lobe separated by rectovesical pouch.

6. Which of the following types of collagen fiber is characteristic of hyaline cartilage

a. Type I,
b. Type II,
c. Type III,
d. Type IV.

7. Lacrimal gland is supplied by

a. Otic ganglion,
b. Celiac ganglion,
c. Trigeminal ganglion,
d. Sympathetic chain ganglion.


1. Spermatogonia matures into spermatozoa in
a. 40 days,
b. 72 days,
c. 96 days,
d. 120 days.

2. Synaptic transmission in auto nomic ganglia is due to

a. Cholinergic,
b. Nicotinic,
c. Muscarine,
d. Dopaminergic

3. Amount of volume of air in lung after normal expiration is

a. 2200ml,
b. 4900ml,
c. 1000ml,
d. 2700ml.

4. After moderate exercise, following changes occur in blood flow:

a. Increase in heart rate,
b. Increase in muscle blood flow,
c. Decrease in peripheral resistance,
d. All of the above.

5. Which of the following forms blood brain Barrier

a. Astrocytes,
b. Microcytes,
c. Oligodendrocytes,
d. Endothelial cells.

6. Core body temperature is closest to

a. Oral temperature,
b. rectal,
c. Surface,
d. Axillary.

7. When Spinal cord is secured at the level of brainstem, the effect on respiration will be

a. Caeses,
b. Normal,
c. Irregular,
d. Apneic

8. Fetal oxygenation depends on all except

a. HbF,
b. Blood flow through placenta,
c. Fetal respiration,
d. Fetal heart rate.

9. In normal person, blood is prevented from clotting by all except

a. Plasminogen,
b. Normal blood flow,
c. natural anti clotting factor,
d. Smooth endothelial cells.

10. Insulin like growth factor is synthesized in

a. Placenta,
b. Liver,
c. islet of Langerhans,
d. Pitutary

11. Atrial natriuretic factor acts by:

a. Membrane bound Guanyl cyclase,
b. cytosolic Guanyl cyclase,
c. soluble CGMP,
d. Lipooxygenase.

12. Transmitter at neuromuscular functions

a. Nicotine,
b. Atropine,
c. Acetylcholine,
d. Noradrenaline

13. There is increase in secretion through anterior pituitary by

a. Hyperosmolarity of plasma,
b. Somatostatin,
c. Somatomedin,
d. Suckling of breast

14. Frontal lobe lesion causes are except

a. Acalculia,
b. Emotional alteration,
c. Personality changes,
d. B+C

15. EEG with eyes open, mind wandering shows

a. Alpha waves,
b. beta waves,
c. Delta waves,
d. Theta waves


1. Which of the enzyme deficiency is correctly paired

a. Farbers – Alpha galactosidase,
b. Gauchers – Beta glucosidase,
c. Niemann-picks – Beta galactosidase,
d. Fabry’s disease – sphingomyelinase.

2. Glucose on anaerobic glycolysis is converted to

a. 2 lactate + NADPH + 2ATP,
b. 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2NADPH,
c. 2 pyruvate + 2 lactate,
d. 2 lactate + 2 ATP

3. For initiation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes all are required except

a. Initiation factor,
b. t-RNA,
c. GTP,
b. 40s Ribosome.

4. Regarding oxidative phosphorylation all are true except: -

a. Accept free O2,
b. Protons facilitate it,
c. Takes place in matrix of mitochondria,
d. Inhibited by oligomycin

5. Polymerase chain reaction is used for

a. Amplification of human DNA,
b. detecting RNA,
c. Detecting DNA,
d. To break sDNA to ssDNA.

6. Peptide bond true is

a. Cleaved by denaturation of protein,
b. Ionizes at normal pH,
c. Stable at strong pH (acidic),
d. Primary structure determines biologic activation and confirmations.

7. Gene therapy is

a. Inserting normal gene in place of abnormal ones,
b. development of better genes for future generations,
c. Removing the abnormal gene only,
d. All of the above.

8. Which is true about porphyria

a. Read poisoning – ferrachelatase inhibition,
b. Protoporhyrin oxidase is a cytosolic enzyme,
c. ALA synthase requires TPP,
d. Variegate porphyria – uroporphyin synthase I.

9. Risk factors for coronary artery disease are all except

a. Increase VLDL,
b. Increase HDL,
c. Increase LDL,
d. All of the above.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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