24 Neurosurgery MCQs

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The management of a skull fracture is highly dependent on the type and location of the fracture. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning skull fractures?
  1. A simple nondepressed linear skull fracture is of no significant consequence
  2. Most depressed skull fractures require surgery to elevate the depressed bone fragment regardless of neurologic status
  3. Basal skull fractures involve the base of the calvarium and may be suggested by bruising about the eye or behind the ear
  4. CSF rhinorrhea associated with a basal skull fracture requires prompt surgical exploration and repair of the defect
  5. Prophylactic antibiotics are indicated in all basal skull fractures associated with CSF rhinorrhea or otorrhea

24 Neurosurgery MCQs Answers

Category: Surgery MCQs



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