Gastroenterology MCQ 069

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Chronic Hepatitis B: An Update, An Issue of Clinics in Liver Disease (The Clinics: Internal Medicine)A 20-year-old white woman presents with jaundice and malaise of 2 weeks' duration. Her boyfriend had some form of hepatitis several months before. Initial laboratory studies reveal alanine transaminase (ALT) of 211 U/L, aspartate transaminase (AST) of 194 U/L, and bilirubin of 5.4 mg/dL. HBsAg and anti-HBc IgM are positive. Which of the following statements regarding acute hepatitis B is false?

A. About 90% of patients with acute hepatitis B will recover completely.
B. About 1% of patients with acute hepatitis B can experience fulminant hepatic failure.
C. Chronic hepatitis B carrier state will develop in 10% of patients.
D. Interferon administration in the acute phase of infection prevents the development of the chronic hepatitis B carrier state.


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Category: Gastroenterology MCQs



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