A 60-year-old white man comes to see you for chronic back pain, which worsened 1 week ago. He has been wheelchair bound for 6 months because of severe osteoporosis with multiple lumbosacral spine fractures. He has severe asthma, which has required large doses of glucocorticoids for many years. The patient report
s progressive loss of height and kyphosis over the past year. Other medications include albuterol and ipratropium inhalers and long-acting theophylline 300 mg twice a day. Significant physical findings include bilateral cataracts, multiple ecchymoses, and a prolonged expiratory phase with bilateral wheezes. Which of the following measures may be helpful?
A. Testosterone replacement (only if he is deficient)
B. Physical therapy
C. Vitamin D replacement (only if his vitamin levels are low)
D. Calcium supplementation
E. Hydrochlorothiazide
F. All of the above
MCQ, Endocrinology, Geriatrics
Endocrinology MCQs
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