Endocrinology MCQ 010

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Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis (Frontiers of Hormone Research)A 60-year-old white man comes to see you for chronic back pain, which worsened 1 week ago. He has been wheelchair bound for 6 months because of severe osteoporosis with multiple lumbosacral spine fractures. He has severe asthma, which has required large doses of glucocorticoids for many years. The patient reports progressive loss of height and kyphosis over the past year. Other medications include albuterol and ipratropium inhalers and long-acting theophylline 300 mg twice a day. Significant physical findings include bilateral cataracts, multiple ecchymoses, and a prolonged expiratory phase with bilateral wheezes. Which of the following underlies his osteoporosis?

A. Decreased bone formation
B. Increased bone loss
C. Decreased calcium absorption from the GI tract
D. Increased calcium loss in urine
E. All of the above


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Category: Endocrinology MCQs



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