MCQ Hematology 8

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A 65-year old man with a 2 year history of progressive cytopenias is referred for evaluation. On physical examination mild splenomegaly is noted. Initial laboratory studies show an Hb of 9.2 gm/dl, WBC of 1,700/ul and a platelet count of 94,000/ul. The bone marrow biopsy is 15% cellular, large aggregates of CD20 positive lymphocytes are present. No dysplasia is seen on the marrow aspirate. Cytogenetic studies are normal. Of the possibilities listed below, which diagnosis fits the data best?

  1. Myelodysplastic syndrome.
  2. Aplastic anemia.
  3. LGL syndrome
  4. Hairy cell leukemia.
  5. Hypocellular AML.


Category: Hematology MCQs



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