MAHE 2006 Nephrotic Syndrome

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Q. Most common causee of Nephrotic syndrome in Adults:
  1. FSGN
  2. MPGN
  3. MCD
Answer: ?
Minimal change disease: The most common cause (80%) of nephrotic syndrome in children. It is so called because on renal biopsy there is no change on light microscopy, only electron microscopy reveals fusion of foot processes.

Membranous glomerulonephritis: The most common primary renal cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults in developing countries

Focal glomerulosclerosis — Focal glomerulosclerosis (FGS) is the most common cause of the nephrotic syndrome in adults, accounting for 35 percent of all cases and over 50 percent of cases among blacks in western countries. FGS can present as a primary syndrome (primary FGS) or may be associated with other conditions (secondary FGS).

FGS is characterized on renal biopsy by the presence in some but not all glomeruli (hence the name focal) of collapse and scarring. The cause of primary disease is unknown, although a few cases appear to result from a genetic defect.

There is a subtype of FGS called collapsing FGS, which most often occurs in blacks. This disorder was first described in HIV-infected patients, but can occur in those without HIV infection.

Category: MAHE 2006 MCQs



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