Breast Histology

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The Correct Answer is D

The morphofunctional unit of the breast is composed of two units
    - Terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU)
    - consists lobule and smaller terminal ductules
    - together empty into the segmental duct, then the lactiferous sinus, then the collecting duct

    - Large collecting ducts
    - Most of the breast stroma consists a loose connective tissue, adipose tissue, elastic fibers that support the larger ducts (interlobular stroma)
    - However each lobule is surrounded by the intralobular stroma (hormonal responsive stroma)
    - Blood supply of the breast is predominantly from the internal mammary artery and lateral thoracic artery
    - Lymphatic drainage is a valveless unidirectional flow from superficial to deep
    Breast Core Biopsy: A Pathologic-Radiologic Approach- Majority of lymphatic drainage is to axillary nodes, 97%
    - 3% going to internal mammary chain




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