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Propranolol is a non selective beta adrenoreceptor blocking drug which is commonly used as an anti-hypertensive agent. Due to it beta blocking effect it also suppresses palpitations, tachycardia and resting tremors.
Sulphonylurea drugs are commonly used oral hypoglcemics in diabetic patients. The most common side effect of these drugs is hypoglycemia which can be fatal if not detected immediately.The earliest symptoms of hypoglycemia are palpitations and tremors of hands.In case the patient is on propranolol these early signs of hypoglycemia will get suppressed and the patient will not realize that he is getting hypoglycemic.
Thus propranolol can mask hypoglycemia in a patient on sulphonylurea drugs which can prove fatal. Therefore propranolol is contraindicated in patients on sulphonylureas. Propranolol does not affect the blood glucose levels nor does it react with sulphonylureas. It is an effective anti-hypertensive drug in diabetic patients but not used with sulphonylurea drugs due to the above explained reasons.
Category: Pharmacology MCQs
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