The correct answer is E.
It is recommended that PSA levels (prostate-specific antigen) be measured annually in men over age 50 to screen for prostatic carcinoma (and to record a baseline level). The prostate is immediately derived from the prostatic urethra, which is derived from the urogenital sinus.
The genital tubercle (choice A) gives rise to the glans penis.
The processus vaginalis (choice B) is a coelomic extension into the scrotal swelling that carries with it extensions of the body wall to form the inguinal canal during the descent of the testes.

The testis cords (choice C) are composed of primitive germ cells, which give rise to spermatogonia, and sex cord cells, which differentiate into Sertoli cells.
The tunica albuginea (choice D) is derived from mesenchyme and condenses to form the fibrous connective tissue capsule of the testis.
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