The correct answer is C.

This infant suffers from Potter syndrome, caused by an absence of both kidneys. This is often caused by a failure of the ureteric buds to develop. The ureteric buds form the ureters, renal pelvis, calyces, and collecting tubules. The collecting tubules induce the formation of metanephric vesicles, which differentiate into the tubular components of the nephron.
The paramesonephric ducts (choice A) form the uterine tubes, uterus, and the upper third of the vagina.
The pronephros (choice B) is a transient collection of cells that disappears during the fourth week of development. It does not form the permanent kidney.
The urogenital sinus (choice D) forms the urinary bladder (in both sexes). It also forms the prostatic urethra, prostate, membranous urethra, bulbourethral glands, penile urethra (proximal part) and Littre's glands in the male. In the female it forms most of the urethra, urethral glands, paraurethral glands, vestibule of the vagina and greater vestibular glands.
The urorectal septum (choice E) partitions the cloaca into the urogenital sinus and rectum (and upper anal canal).
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