COMEDK 2007 MCQ Answer 35

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The correct answer is B

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality, attention-seeking as demonstrated by at least 5 of:
  1. uncomfortable if not the center of attention
  2. inappropriately seductive
  3. rapid, shallow expression of emotion
  4. use of appearance to draw attention
  5. impressionistic speech style
  6. expressions of emotions exaggerated
  7. unable to delay gratification
  8. considers relationships more intimate than they are

Prevalence: 2-3% general population. Male: Female, slightly more female (as in general population); gay persona, “macho” stance. 10-15% psych outpatients.

Etiology: usually an over sexualized, over stimulated, “special” child; NOT always frankly abused.

Differential: hypomania, brain tumor/infarct (Klüver-Bucy), culture, adaptation/manipulation.

Comorbidity: late phase depression, Somatization, substance problems, other PD.




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