The Correct option is
AThe Cardiovascular manifestations of beriberi most commonly encountered are dyspnea and palpitation on exertion, tachycardia and edema. The heart is generally enlarged both to the right and to the left. Systolic murmurs are common. Basilar pulmonary rales are frequent.
The important points in establishing the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease dependent on deficiency of Vitamin B1 are, in addition to those points already presented, the presence of other manifestations of Vitamin B1 deficiency, such as polyneuritis, or of deficiencies of other portions of the B complex, such as glossitis and pellagrous skin changes. Indeed it is rare to observe ‘beriberi heart’ without at least minimal signs of polyneuritis; the history of dietary inadequacy or of conditioning factors which lead to Vitamin B1 deficiency in spite of an apparently normal diet; the disappearance of signs and symptoms following adequate B1 therapy.
Pharmacology MCQs
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