The Correct option is
BCharacteristics of Left-Sided Heart Failure - Hypertrophy and dilation (except in mitral valve or other obstructions)
- 2° atrial enlargement and fibrillation
- Pulmonary congestion and edema: respiratory problems (ie dyspnea, SOB); left side of heart backs up into the lungs
- ¯Renal perfusion --> renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activation & prerenal azotemia (abn inc in urea and nitrogenous substances in blood plasma)
Characterisitcs of Right-Sided Heart Failure All of the following will be due to left sided heart failure but will also be found in Right sided heart failure. The below are SYSTEMIC VENOUS CONGESTION:
- Congestive hepatomegaly: liver with NUTMEG APPEARANCE
- Renal congestion ---> fluid retention/edema
- Venous congestion & hypoxia of CNS
- Pleural & pericardial effusion and ascites
- Dependent (pedal & pretibial) edema and anasarca
Pathology MCQs
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