141 MCQs in Pathology Answer

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The Correct option is B

Gastric carcinoma -accounts for over 90% of malignant tumors of the stomach

  • geographic differences in the incidence- 10 times higher in Japan than in the U.S. for example- environmental factors play role
  • precancerous lesions for gastric carcinoma include:
  • chronic atrophic gastritis with dysplasia- its association with PA
  • adenomatous polyps with dysplasia
  • chronic peptic ulcers

  • early cancer- =gastric carcinoma restricted to the mucosa and submucosa
  • recognized in Japan- diagnosis by endoscopic examination and biopsy
  • advanced gastric cancer- =gastric carcinoma that invades the gastric wall-presents as- endoscopic gross morphology:
  • fungating mass that protrudes into the lumen- polypoid
  • as a malignant ulceration with raised edges
  • as an ulcer resembling the peptic ulcer
  • as a diffusely infiltrating lesion that causes diffuse thickening of the gastric wall

  • all gastric carcinomas are adenocarcinomas of varying degree of differentiation
  • the most common -poorly differentiated so called diffuse carcinoma of signet-ring cell type
  • well differentiated carcinoma resembling the tubular adenocarcinoma of the intestine is less common = intestinal type of gastric cancer

  • gastric carcinoma is locally aggressive- rapidly spreads through the whole wall of the stomach
  • lymphatic spread- rapid,
  • lymph node metastases -spread along the surfaces of the peritoneum
  • bloodstream spread- to the liver and lungs

Prognosis: depends almost entirely on the depth of invasion of the tumor

  • Early gastric cancer- 5-year survival rate of 85%
  • Advanced cancer- only 30%

Category: Pathology MCQs



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