MCQ MAHE 2000 PSM Answer 13

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The Correct Answer is C

In 1974, recognizing the underutilization of existing technologies to fight childhood diseases, WHO launched an expanded immunization program against polio, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, and tuberculosis.


The World Health Assembly has adopted the following set of new goals to be reached by, or before, 2020:

  • By 2005, health equity indices will be used within and between countries as a basis for promoting and monitoring equity in health.
  • By 2010, transmission of Chagas' disease will be interrupted, and leprosy will be eliminated.
  • By 2020, maternal mortality rates will be halved; the worldwide burden of disease will be substantially decreased by reversing the current trends of incidence and disability caused by tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, tobacco-related diseases, and violence; measles will be eradicated; and lymphatic filariasis eliminated.
  • By 2020, all countries will have made major progress in making available safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, food and shelter in sufficient quantity and
  • quality; all countries will have introduced and be actively managing monitoring strategies that strengthen health-enhancing lifestyles and weaken health-damaging ones, through a combination of regulatory, economic, educational, organization-based, and community-based programs.
  • By 2005, member states will have operational mechanisms for developing, implementing, and monitoring policies that are consistent with the HFA policy.
  • By 2010, appropriate global and national health information, surveillance, and alert systems will be operational; research policies and institutional mechanisms will be operational at global, regional, and country levels; and all people will have access throughout their lives to comprehensive, essential, quality health care, supported by essential public health functions.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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