The Correct Answer is AIn India, voluntary organizations have played a vital role all through the history of leprosy control in the country. Presently about 290 Voluntary Organizations are actively engaged in various types of Leprosy Relief Services. Most of the voluntary organizations are Multi –Functional. Their activities include case detection, case treatment, public awareness creation, training, physiotherapy, reconstructive surgery, research and rehabilitation services. A close partnership exists between these agencies and the National Programme. 127 Voluntary Organizations are involved in Survey, Education and Treatment activities out of which about 50 voluntary organizations are presently covered by SET grant from Govt. of India (GOI).
The Govt. of India have been encouraging the participation of the Voluntary Organizations engaged in medical relief work for supplementing the Govt. efforts to make available preventive, promotive and curative services especially to the weaker sections of the society and in the under served areas. The scheme for the financial assistance to voluntary organization for undertaking leprosy survey, education and treatment work has been in operation for quite sometime. The pattern of assistance under this scheme was first liberalized in 1979.
MAHE 2000 MCQs
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