MCQ MAHE 2000 PSM Answer 4

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The Correct Answer is B

The Srivastava Committee (1975) provided some guidelines to develop a viable and economic model of health services at village level, using health workers from the community to provide simple promotive, preventive and curative health services. Accordingly, the government launched a Community Health Worker scheme (later called Village Health Guide) in 1977. Under this scheme, every village or community with a population of 1000 selected a health volunteer. This volunteer was trained in necessary skills, paid Rs 50 as honorarium and given medicines worth Rs 50 per month ($1 - Rs 16.5). With the exception of Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, which made alternative arrangements, all states implemented this scheme.

The guidelines for selection of Village health guides:

a) They should be permanent residents of the local community, preferably women.
b) They should be able to read and write, having a minimum formal education at least upto the VI Standard.
c) They should be acceptable to all sections of the community.
d) They should be able to spare at least 2 to 3 hours every day for community health work.

A village health guide is not an employee of the government. Health guide is a person who wants to do social service at his or her spare time in small communities. They receive a very small amount of money from government as a token salary (called honorarium). Health guide is chosen by the community as a link between community and the government health care system. Government trains the health guide and provides with necessary information for the treatment and small kit of medicines. Duties of the health guide are -
  • Treatment of simple ailments.

  • Giving first-aid.

  • To provide information on sanitation, mother and child health care.

  • Small family norms.

Ref: Park 18th ed

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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