The correct answer is AA very common and troublesome eye condition, usually affecting children, is vernal kerato-conjunctivitis. This is an allergic problem which is worse in the spring and summer. The patient complains of severe itching, the eyes are red and there are mucus strands. It is also called vernal or spring catarrh.
- Signs
- Conjunctival hyperemia with papillary hypertrophy ("cobblestoning") of the upper tarsal plate
- Thin copious milk-white fibrinous secretions
- Transient limbal or conjunctival "yellowish-white points"
- Dennie's lines (extra lower eyelid crease due to edema)
- Corneal ulcers, infiltrated with Charcot-Leyden crystals
- Maxwell-Lyons sign - mucus so abundant that a pseudomembrane forms on the upper eyelid when averted and exposed to heat
- Histologic exam - infiltrated conjunctiva with eosinophils, mast cells, basophils, plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages
MAHE 2000 MCQs
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