MCQ MAHE 2000 Microbiology Answer 10

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The Correct Answer is C

Occasionally a bolus [large mass] of worms may cause volvulus [twisted bowel], or intussusception [a segment of bowel being forced over, and drawing into itself, the neighbouring segment of bowel, in its effort at forcing the mass of worms through the length of the intestine]. Intestinal obstruction in the ileo-caecal region of the bowel may also result from this mass of worms. Children are more likely to have these intestinal complications because of their anatomically smaller intestine and larger worm loads. Up to 2000 worms have been found in some children, although the usual load is less than 20.

Adult worms may be found in the appendix, bile ducts, or pancreatic ducts, causing obstruction or inflammation of these organs. Biliary tract obstruction may be associated with bacterial cholangitis and liver abscess. Migration of worms into the oral pharynx and mouth may lead to acute respiratory distress.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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