MCQ MAHE 2000 ENT Answer 04

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The Correct Answer is A

Microlaryngoscopy can be performed using the hands-free laryngoscope and an operating microscope with a 400 mm objective lens or using a Hopkins rod telescope.

It is the most precise means of operating on the vocal folds and allows the use of two of the most essential and important tools in voice surgery: the microscope and microscopic instruments.

Microlaryngoscopy requires general anesthesia, but patients generally go home the same day as the procedure.

Procedures that may be performed during microlaryngoscopy are numerous, and include removal of polyps or masses on or around the vocal cords or to correct deformities of the vocal cords themselves. These procedures involve the use of special tools and techniques, and may include use of the CO2 laser.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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