MCQ MAHE 2000 Forensic Medicine Answer 6

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The Correct Answer is A

In 1897, Rudolf Kraus introduced the fluid precipitin test. He took bacterial filtrates, which he injected into rabbits. He later took the serum containing the antibodies (the precipitin) and incubated it with the bacterial filtrates (the antigen) and got a precipitation reaction (AbAg reaction).

From there, investigators use the precipitin test to determine whether the blood is of animal or human origin. In 1901 the German biologist, Paul Uhlenhuth discovered that if he injected protein from a chicken egg into a rabbit, and then mixed serum from the rabbit with egg white, the egg proteins separated from the liquid to form a cloudy substance known as precipitin. In other words, it forms an antibody. In the forensic test for human blood, either a sample of the suspect blood is put into a test tube over the rabbit serum or it's used in the "gel diffusion" test, where it's placed in gel on a glass slide next to a sample of the reagent (anti-human serum). Passing an electric current through the glass, the protein molecules filter into the gelatin and toward each other. If a line forms where they meet - called a precipitin line - that means the sample is human blood.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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