General Pharmacology MCQ Answer 010

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The Correct Option is A

The Scatchard Plot
  1. It is a plot of [B]/[F] on the y-axis vs. [B] on the x-axis
  2. The plot is linear when a single binding site is involved; the slope being –1/Kd, and the x-intercept being BM
  3. You therefore now have the Kd for your drug-receptor interaction and the B max which gives you an indication of the maximum concentration of binding sites (receptors) available in the organ you drew it from.
  4. From all of this, you should know what goes on each axis, you should know the formula for the slope and you should know what the x-intercept is.
where B = receptor-bound drug, F = free unbound drug, and BM = B max

Category: Pharmacology MCQs



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