Werner syndrome

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The Correct Answer is A.Parathyroid Adenoma

MEN-1 (Werner syndrome)

The Werner syndrome protein confers resistance to the DNA lesions N3-methyladenine and O^6-methylguanine: implications for WRN function [An article from: DNA Repair]3 Ps:
  • parathyroid
  • pancreas
  • pituitary
parathyroid adenoma
  • the most common – and usually the first - manifestation of MEN-1
  • can cause hypercalcemia (and related things, like kidney stones)
    pancreatic carcinoma
  • big cause of morbidity/mortality
  • often metastatic by the time of diagnosis
  • can secrete stuff (gastrin, insulin) that causes symptoms
    pituitary adenoma
  • prolactinoma most common
other stuff
  • duodenal gastrinoma
  • carcinoid
  • adenomas of thyroid and adrenal cortex
  • lipomas
Genetic stuff

MEN1 gene
  • mutation in MEN1 gene
  • MEN1 gene encodes menin (a nuclear protein that probably regulates transcription and the cell cycle)
  • MEN1 is a classic tumor-suppressor gene (need to inactivate both alleles of the gene to get tumors)




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