MCQ Pathology Answer 8

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The correct answer is D

A benign tumor has the suffix 'oma'. A malignant tumor of parenchymal cells of epithelial cell origin should be named with the suffix 'carcinoma'. A malignant tumor of parenchymal cells of mesenchymal origin should be named with the suffix'sarcoma'. Hemangioma (choice d) is a benign tumor of blood vessels, and thus is named appropriately.

All of the choices listed are named as if they were benign lesions. However, the only benign lesion is hemangioma (choice d).

Seminoma (choice a) is a malignant tumor of testicular epithelium. The name implies that this is a benign tumor, when in fact it is a malignant one.Melanoma is a malignant tumor of melanocytes and should more properly have been called 'melanocarcinoma'.Hepatoma (choice a) is a malignant tumor of hepatocytes and should more correctly be called 'hepatocellular carcinoma'.Synovioma is a malignant tumor of synovium and should more properly have been called 'synoviosarcoma'.

Category: Pathology MCQs



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