Endocrinology MCQ 066

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Mcq Companion to General And Systematic Pathology23 year old woman with a solitary irregular 3 cm right thyroid mass with several enlarged right neck lymph nodes.

A. Optically clear nuclei lining glandular spaces and frond - like structures, with psammoma bodies

B. Sheets of pleomorphic cells with abundant cytoplasm, varying from spindle to round cells, with abundant abnormal mitoses

C. Sheets of small spindle cells between islands of amorphous pink material showing apple green birefringence on Congo red staining

D. Sheets of cells with abundant pink to orange cytoplasm, intercellular bridges and "pearl” formation.

E. Sheets of irregular small cells which are positive for LCA (leukocyte common antigen, a lymphocyte marker), on special stains.

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Category: Endocrinology MCQs



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