The correct answer is ARachitic rosary: beading of the ribs;a row of beading at the junction of the ribs with their cartilages, often seen in rachitic children.
Young infants with vitamin D deficiency are restless and sleep poorly. They have reduced mineralization of the skull (craniotabes). On the thorax, palpable lumps develop at the costochondral junctions: costochondral beading (rachitic rosary). Harrison’s groove, corresponding to the costal insertion of the diaphragm, may be present. In children from 1 to 4 years of age there is an increase in the width of the epiphyseal cartilages at the distal extremities of the tibia, fibula, ulna and radius ("erlenmeyer deformity"). Kyphoscoliosis may develop and walking is delayed. Older children and adolescents experience walking as painful and in extreme cases develop bowlegs or knock-knees.
In advanced scurvy, teeth fall out spontaneously. Endochondral bone development ceases because osteoblasts no longer produce osteoid. A fibrous area is formed between diaphysis and epiphysis. The costochondral junctions enlarge. This is clinically palpable as a scorbutic rosary (not to be confused with rachitic rosary).Scorbutic rosary on the thorax and bone abnormalities must be distinguished from rachitic rosary (vitamin D deficiency).
Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs
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