The correct answer is AThe global campaign to reduce maternal mortality was launched in February, 1987, when three UN agencies— UNFPA, the World Bank, and WHO—sponsored the international Safe Motherhood Conference in Nairobi,Kenya.
Its aim was to draw the world’s attention to the thousands of deaths and millions of serious illnesses that afflict women every year.
Yet despite all the work so far, there are still an estimated 600,000 known maternal deaths each year, and for every maternal death there are at least a further thirty women, approximately 15 million a year, so severely damaged by pregnancy/childbirth that they never regain their full health (WHO 1997).
The Safe Motherhood Initiative aims to enhance the quality and safety of women’s lives through the adoption of a combination of health and non-health strategies:
Ensuring women’s access to health services Raising women’s awareness of health services Promoting women’s right to decide whether and when to have children, by providing access to family planning services Increasing the numbers of healthcare providers (midwives, doctors, nurses and traditional birth attendants) Improving training for healthcare providers |
Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs
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