Karnataka PGET Medicine MCQ Answer 26

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The correct answer is A

Multiple myeloma (also known as MM, myeloma, plasma cell myeloma, or as Kahler's disease after Otto Kahler) is a type of cancer of plasma cells which are immune system cells in bone marrow that produce antibodies.

A mnemonic sometimes used to remember the common tetrad of multiple myeloma is CRAB - C = Calcium (elevated), R =Renal failure, A = Anemia, B = Bone lesions.

The most common infections are pneumonias and pyelonephritis. Common pneumonia pathogens include S pneumoniae, S aureus, and K pneumoniae, while common pathogens causing pyelonephritis include E coli and other gram-negative organisms. The increased risk of infection is due to immune deficiency resulting from diffuse hypogammaglobulinemia, which is due to decreased production and increased destruction of normal antibodies.

The anemia found in myeloma is usually normocytic and normochromic. It results from the replacement of normal bone marrow by infiltrating tumor cells and inhibition of normal red blood cell production (hematopoiesis) by cytokines.

Category: Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs



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