The correct answer is DSubmucosal (or Submucous) fibroid - This type is located beneath the lining of the uterus. The fibroid can develop a thin stalk or even enter the vagina.
Intramural fibroid - They stay mostly embedded within the middle of the wall of the uterus.
Subserosal (or Subserous) fibroid - This type grows towards the outside of the uterus and can press on the organs surrounding the uterus such as the bladder or rectum.
Pedunculated fibroid - This type of fibroid can develop when a fibroid grows on a stalk, which is called a pedicle. This can be a subserosal fibroid growing out into the abdomen or a submucosal fibroid growing into the endometrial cavity. The stalk can get twisted which can cause severe pain, although this is extremely rare.
Interligamentous fibroid - It can grow sideways between the layers of the broad ligament (a band of fibrous connective tissue that supports the uterus).
Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs
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