Karnataka PGET Dermatology MCQ Answer 1

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The correct answer is D

The hemidesmosome allows the epidermal cells of the skin to bind the basement membrane between the epidermal and dermal layers. It is made up of the integral membrane protein, integrin , which interacts with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins on the outside of the cell and with cytoplasmic plaque proteins on the inside of the cell. The cytoplasmic plaque proteins are connected to the keratin intermediate filaments on the inside of the cell.

The skin blistering disorder, bullous pemphigoid, results from the immune system attack on the cytoplasmic plaque proteins.

A genetic skin blistering disorder, epidermolysis bullosa, results from mutations in the cytoplasmic plaque proteins.

Hemidesmosome is an anchoring plaque, which anchors the basal cells to the basement membrane, and a desmosome attaches two keratinocytes together.

Psoriosis is a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the specific integrin β subunit found in skin.

Category: Karnataka PGET 2007 MCQs



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