MCQ Psychiatry 7

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A 15 year old boy, presented with a 1-month history of yellowing of sclera, colored urine, vomiting, and 2 weeks of altered sensorium and irritability. On exam, neurologic testing shows an intention tremor, resting choreoathetoid movements, and an ataxic gait.

His laboratory investigation revealed, Hct 36.6%; Bilirubin total 60.8 mg%, direct – 41.2 mg%; ALT 637 IU/l, AST 498, Alk Phos 320 IU/l, Sodium 133 mEq/l, Potassium 3.2 mEq/l, Proteins Total 4.3 g%, Albumin 2.5g%; PT –control 13.1 sec, test 24.1 sec, INR 2.88, PTT control 30.4 sec and test 51.1 sec.

The most likely diagnosis is:
A) Asperger’s Disorder
B) Rett’s Disorder
C) Tourette’s Disorder
D) Hepatolenticular degeneration


Category: Psychiatry MCQs



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