AIIMS Nov 2006 - Anatomy Questions

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My Sciatic Nerve01. Meralgia paresthetica
  1. Lat cut n of thigh
  2. Med cut n of thigh
  3. Genitofemoral n
  4. Sciatic N

Drop Foot Correction on Uneven Ground using Peroneal Nerve Stimulation: common peroneal nerve stimulation for correction of drop foot using an external stimulator powered by heel strike02. Common peroneal nerve is in relation to:
  1. Neck of fibula
  2. Lateral condyle of fibula
  3. Shaft of fibula
  4. Medial Tibial Condyle

03. Supination & pronation doesn’t take place at
  1. Sup. Radioulnar joint
  2. Middle radioulnar joint
  3. Inferior radioulnar joint
  4. Radio carpal joint

04.Which of the following is not true regarding Trigone of bladder ?
  1. Smooth mucosa
  2. Loosely attached to underlying muscle
  3. Transitional epithelium lines it
  4. It is a remant of mesonephric duct opening into posturogenital sinus

The Development of the Oculomotor Nerve, the Ciliary Ganglion, and the Abducent Nerve in the Chick05. About oculomotor nerve true is all except
  1. Causes constriction of pupil
  2. Carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
  3. Supplies inferior oblique muscle
  4. Passes through superior orbital fissure

Fifth Cervical Vertebra-BS3006. The typical cervical vertebra Differs From thoracic Vertebra in that:
  1. Has a triangular spinal canal
  2. Has superior articular facets
  3. Has a large body
  4. Foramen transversarium

07. Morgagian hernia passes through
  1. Post left part of diaphragm
  2. Post right part of diaphragm
  3. Ant left part of diaphragm
  4. Ant right part of diaphragm

08. All pass through posterior parts of the diaphragm except ?
  1. Aorta
  2. Azygous
  3. Thoracic duct
  4. Greater splanchnic nerve

Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: A Practical Guide to Management09. All of the following are true about posterior cruciate ligament except?
  1. prevents posterior dislocation of tibia
  2. Is Attached to lateral condyle of femur
  3. posterior cruciate ligament is fully relaxed during flexion of knee
  4. is intasynovial

Category: AIIMS Nov 2006 MCQs



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