Interpretation of results of hepatitis B serologic tests

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The Correct Answer is C

Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review Illustrated

In the interpretation of results of hepatitis B serologic tests, the following facts should be considered:

  • during the incubation period (i.e., before the onset of clinical manifestations) HbsAg, HbeAg, and HBV DNA become detectable in the serum.
  • At the onset of clinical symptoms (e.g., jaundice), an increase in the serum transaminases antibodies occurs and antibodies to HBc become detectable (HBc antibodies).
  • Initially, the HBc antibodies are IgM and thereafter IgG; these latter antibodies persist for years.
  • HBs antibodies become detectable late in convalescence.
  • A rise in HBs antibodies in combination with a loss of HbsAg, HbeAg, and HBV DNA indicate the presence of immunity to HBV.
  • HbeAg and HBV DNA are markers of active viral replication and thus indicate high infectivity.
  • The loss of HbeAg and appearance of anti-HbeAb indicates a less infective stage.




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