The Correct Answer is EAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a difficult diagnosis. Included in the differential are bipolar disorder, Tourette's syndrome, and ineffective parental discipline. Some authors believe that ineffective discipline is more common than ADHD. The clue to this situation is lack of effective parental control, either witnessed by the physician or gathered historically. Tourette's syndrome has vocal and motor tics or utterances as part of its presentation. Bipolar disease is characterized by alternating periods of highs and lows, when the child cycles between intense activity with a euphoric mood, and motor inactivity with associated depression.
Ref: Johnson TM: Evaluating the hyperactive child in your office: Is it ADHD? Am Fam Physician 1997;56(1): 155-160. (ABFP, 2000, 62).
Psychiatry MCQs
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